Status Codes
100 (Continue)
No content exists for this area yet!
101 (Switching Protocols)
No content exists for this area yet!
102 (Processing)
No content exists for this area yet!
200 (OK)
The request was successful and information was returned.
201 (Created)
No content exists for this area yet!
202 (Accepted)
No content exists for this area yet!
203 (Non-Authoritative Information)
No content exists for this area yet!
204 (No Content)
No content exists for this area yet!
205 (Reset Content)
No content exists for this area yet!
206 (Partial Content)
No content exists for this area yet!
207 (Multi Status)
No content exists for this area yet!
208 (Already Reported)
No content exists for this area yet!
226 (IM Used)
No content exists for this area yet!
300 (Multiple Choices)
No content exists for this area yet!
301 (Moved Permanently)
The requested page has moved and all future requests for that resource should be made to a new URL. Sometimes there is an automatic transfer to the new location.
302 (Found)
The addresses resource has moved, but future requests should continue to come to the original URL.
303 (See Other)
No content exists for this area yet!
304 (Not Modified)
No content exists for this area yet!
305 (Use Proxy)
No content exists for this area yet!
306 (Unused)
No content exists for this area yet!
307 (Temporary Redirect)
No content exists for this area yet!
308 (Permanent Redirect)
No content exists for this area yet!
400 (Bad Request)
The server did not understand the request.
401 (Unauthorised)
No content exists for this area yet!
402 (Payment Required)
No content exists for this area yet!
403 (Forbidden)
This is a sort of catch-all refusal. If the server understood the request but, for whatever reason, refuses to fill it, a code 403 will often be returned. The server may or may not explain why it is sending a 403 response and there is not much you can do about it.
404 (Not Found)
The server can’t find the requested page.
405 (Method Not Allowed)
No content exists for this area yet!
406 (Not Acceptable)
No content exists for this area yet!
407 (Proxy Authentication Required)
No content exists for this area yet!
408 (Request Timeout)
No content exists for this area yet!
409 (Conflict)
No content exists for this area yet!
410 (Gone)
Code 410 is more specific than 404 when a resource can’t be found. If the server knows, for a fact, that the resource is no longer available and no forwarding address is known, then 410 should be returned. If the server does not have specific information about the resource, then 404 is returned.
411 (Length Required)
No content exists for this area yet!
412 (Precondition Failed)
No content exists for this area yet!
413 (Request Entity Too Large)
No content exists for this area yet!
414 (Request-URI Too Long)
No content exists for this area yet!
415 (Unsupported Media Type)
No content exists for this area yet!
416 (Requested Range Not Satisfiable)
No content exists for this area yet!
417 (Expectation Failed)
No content exists for this area yet!
418 (I’m a Teapot)
No content exists for this area yet!
500 (Internal Server Error)
No content exists for this area yet!
501 (Not Implemented)
No content exists for this area yet!
502 (Bad Gateway)
No content exists for this area yet!
503 (Service Unavailable)
No content exists for this area yet!
504 (Gateway Timeout)
No content exists for this area yet!
505 (HTTP Version Not Supported)
No content exists for this area yet!